Something New Custom Wedding Guest Books and Wedding Albums are all about helping couples share their unique stories, personalities and weddings. So, in true Something New fashion, this blog was designed to help you FLAUNT IT! Special wedding moments, proposal stories, wedded bliss...all real-life, and all YOU! Real couples sharing their happiness, and inspiring other couples! What makes you blissful? Follow along and join should be fun!
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Custom Wedding Sign-in & Wedding Guest Books

As a recent bride myself, I know you don't want your wedding to be something old or something borrowed. You want something new! Something uniquely you. A day that shows-off the personality and coupledom of you and your new hubbie (yep...coupledom is a word around here). You want the event to tell your story and just...ooze of you!

When I got married, I decided that one of the best ways to introduce me and my main squeeze to the guests was through my wedding sign-in book. I knew it would be the first thing they saw at the reception, and the perfect place to tell our story. So, using a bit of the skills I learned while completing a BA in advertising, I designed a digital photo album with our colors, our pictures, our theme, and our story. It was a hit. My guests loved it, and more importantly, my new husband and I loved it. It still sits on our coffee table telling our story to everyone who visits, and reminding us of our special day.

While I really enjoy the finished product, and loved creating the book, more than once as I designed I found myself thinking that as a busy bride I really didn't have time to spend hours creating the perfect pages. But, I wanted the custom product, so I plugged on. As more and more people saw the book, they suggested I start a business and offer the customized service to busy brides everywhere. So...whala!

I would love to create a unique wedding sign-in book for you using your theme, your colors, your story and your photos. If you're looking for something new and out-of-the-ordinary at your wedding, please browse through the samples posted here, and then drop me a line! I look forward to hearing your story!

Contact Info:
Amber Johnson

(Serving brides nation-wide!)

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