Aly & Steve: Seeing Eye to Eye

Aly & Steve: Not Seeing Eye to Eye :)
One of the biggest things that I immediately noticed and LOVED about my husband was that we were always on the same wave-length. Our communication was so easy and he understood what I was saying even if I didn't finish my sentence. It was like we were made for each other.
Then, we got married....And marriage brings out some interesting things. It's funny how little nuances come out and you think, "Why in the world did I NOT know this before we got married?!" It by no means changes my love for my husband, but it DOES make me laugh. Here are a few of our opposites I've noticed in our 3.5 years of marriage.
BED SHEETS: Aly has to have "hospital corners" (or "military" as Steve says). Steve prefers a jumbled mess of stuffing the sheets in any way they fit.
CONDIMENTS: Only the Best (mayo) for Aly. Steve prefers Miracle Whip (yuck!!!!!)
TEETH BRUSHING: Steve uses the regular cold water. Aly can only brush with warm water and prefers to brush in the shower.
WATER TEMPERATURE: Speaking of showers, Steve likes the water luke warmish. Aly needs it flesh-burning hot.
SODA POP: Aly likes it fizzy as fizzy throat burning, nose tingling kind. Steve likes it as you can imagine Aly stays on the prowl to make sure Steve doesn't "accidentally" leave the cap unscrewed.
TIME OF DAY: Steve is a bright eyed morning person...Aly is more of a night owl.
WEATHER: Aly loves the heat, the ocean, the sunshine. Steve loves the cold, winter, mountains. This causes some issues in vacation planning.
But one thing we have in common is the love we have for each other. And our communication is still amazing! So even though I'm drinking FIZZY pop at midnight and Steve is drinking FLAT pop in the morning, we can tell each other about it and laugh. It brings a whole new perspective to life. I'm so happy I found my soul-mate. When I lay down next to him and my head naturally fits in the corner of his shoulder, I know we truly are each others' halves, and we definitely were made for each other.
Marriage is the best.
We couldn't agree more! Thanks for flaunting your bliss Aly!
See you all for Forever? Friday. Until then...enjoy your coupledom!
How fun! Thanks Amber. Your site is adorable. Marriage truly is the best!